Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Study of Equivalence at Word Level in English Translation of Qaseeda al-Burda: A Bakerian Perspective

Dr. Ghulam Ahmad
 Dr. Muhammad Sarwar
 Dr. Khuda Bakhsh
Dr.Ume Habiba
Muhammad Kalid
Keywords: Qaseeda al-Burda, translation studies, Mona Baker, Equivalence at Word Level, linguistic equivalence, Arabic poetry.


This research delves into the English translation of Qaseeda al-Burda by Shakeel Qaderi, employing Mona Baker's Equivalence at Word Level framework. The study aims to scrutinize linguistic equivalence challenges, exploring nuances in word meanings, prepositional usage, and addressing non-equivalence issues. By applying Baker's principles, the research ensures precision and fidelity in capturing the poetic depth of the original Arabic verses. Through a mixed-method design, the analysis encompasses one-to-one relationships, semantic exploration, and the application of Baker's concepts to morphemes and propositional meanings. The study enhances our understanding of linguistic equivalence dynamics in the translation of poetic and religious texts.



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