Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Human Talent Management in Higher Education Institutions Challenges and Strategies in the 4.0 Era

Isabel Cristina Rincón Rodríguez
Jorge E. Chaparro Medina
Edwin German Ortiz Ortiz
Yesenia Ibeth Plata Acosta
Monica Zarta Botero
Cruz García Lirios
Keywords: Higher Education, Industry 4.0, Human Resources, Industrial Revolution..


The article identifies the main challenges faced by the Human Talent Management areas of Higher Education Institutions due to the integration of industry 4.0 technologies, as well as the main strategies that these areas should implement to adequately address timely and efficient the needs of the institutions. To develop this research, a qualitative methodology was applied with the use of a literary component based on the analysis of documents published in scientific databases, which made it possible to identify different characteristics that the human talent of educational institutions must have. higher, defining the four most recurrent, thus becoming the main challenges to be managed by these areas. Additionally, a field exploration was carried out through semi-structured interviews with Human Talent Management experts from the Educational Sector that allowed us to propose a set of transformation strategies to be implemented by these areas, with a view to providing solutions to the challenges posed by the industry 4.0. Through the use of Atlas ti, the findings obtained in the interviews with the experts were analyzed, confirming the theoretical elements identified in the documentary analysis, determining the main challenges for these areas: the ethics of care and good living, the collaborative team management, technological and digital skills, and data science. Finally, the strategies to be applied were defined based on what was mentioned by the experts.

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