Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Advancing Diversity Management in Educational Institutions: Exploring Contemporary Trends and Strategic Solutions for Enhanced Inclusion and Excellence

Dr. Abdul Ghafar Khan
Dr. Nuzhat Naqvi
Dr. Muhammad Ajmair
Ms. Ambar Hafeez
Professor Dr. Mushtaq A Sajid
Farrukh Ishtiaq
Keywords: Cultural Dimensions, Diversity, Environment, Human resource management Diversification, Globalization, Academics, Organizational culture, diverse workplace challenges..


This study examines the challenges encountered by educational institutions amid a rising influx of global students seeking quality education across borders. It delves into both the issues at hand and proposes solutions to effectively manage the resulting diversity. Employing a methodology that emphasizes the significance of diversity management, the study draws upon credible data to illustrate the escalating presence of international students in various countries. The findings of this review offer valuable insights for human resource professionals involved in international student management, particularly officials in international student offices across different host countries. By utilizing the outcomes of this study, these professionals can enhance staff training and effectively address issues pertaining to international student affairs.

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