Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Fostering Inclusive Excellence at workplace: Transforming HR Practices through Diversity Dynamics in Pakistan’s Higher Education

Dr. Abdul Ghafar Khan
Dr. Muhammad Ajmair
Dr. Nuzhat Naqvi
Ms. Ambar Hafeez
Professor Dr. Mushtaq A Sajid
Farrukh Ishtiaq
Keywords: Cultural Dimensions, Environment, human resource management diversification..


This study delves into the intricate relationship between diversity and human resource management within higher academic institutions. By investigating how these dynamics intersect, this study aims to provide insights that empower leaders to navigate diversity challenges effectively, transforming them into opportunities for growth. Through the development of a conceptual model, the study illuminates the hypothetical connections between organizational culture, HR practices, and employee satisfaction, with inclusion playing a pivotal mediating role. This research not only contributes to academic discourse by exploring the mediating role of diversity on organizational culture and inclusion on employee performance within the broader HRM process but also offers practical implications for leaders seeking to foster inclusive environments and enhance organizational effectiveness.

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