Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Impact of Human Resources in the Development of a Sustainable Tourism Economy (Case Study: Iran, Fars Province)

Leila Elahi
Keywords: Impact of human resources, economic development, sustainable tourism.


Nowadays, human resources are considered one of the important elements in advancing the goals of companies, therefore, the impact of human resources in various sectors, including the sustainable tourism industry, can provide the basis for the development of the economy. 294 samples were chosen at random from the statistical population, which comprised professionals in the sustainable tourism sector and economic activists in the province of Fars. This study uses a descriptive-survey methodology, and its goal is practical. The data was collected in the field via the researcher's questionnaire among the statistical sample, therefore, the regression test was used to analyze the data of research hypothesis. This study’s results show that among the six selected components, two components focusing on experience and training and development obtained correlation coefficients of 1.192 and 1.021, respectively. In this regard, the impact of human resources in the development of the sustainable tourism economy of Fars province is significant.

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