Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Methodology Of Sensory Activities For The Visually Impaired: Agrotourism Inventory And Accessible Tourism Experience At The Integral Self-Sustainable Farm Of The Technical University Of Babahoyo

MSc. Nathalie Landeta-Bejarano
MSc. Johana Olaya-Reyes
MSc. Elizabeth De Mora -Litardo
PhD. Enrique Díaz-Chong
Keywords: tourism accessibility, visually impaired, agrotourism, sensory activities, farm, farms, tourism experience, agrotourism inventory, sensory methodology.


As part of the R+D+I research project entitled "Sensory Agro-tourism at the UTB integral farm: design of a guide based on the perception of the senses and promotional website" and the articulation with the project named "Tourism at the self-sustainable integral farm of the Technical University of Babahoyo for environmental education, sustainability, and inclusivity - Enjoying tourism with the eyes of the soul", a partial result of the final project is presented. The study is exploratory through a qualitative approach and was carried out between April 2022 - February 2023, with the participation of people with and without visual impairment. The objective of the study was to design the methodology for sensory activities within the Self-Sustainable Integral Farm of the UTB aimed at people with visual impairment. The main results obtained from the research are the design of the survey instrument of agricultural and livestock products for agrotourism inventory valuing the tourist landscapes for farms, farms, and ranches and the methodological proposal to design sensory agrotourism activities aimed at visually impaired people based on the perception of the senses through the stimulation of smell, touch, taste and hearing in the agricultural and agricultural landscapes that the integral farm has to provide them with a barrier-free tourist experience.

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